This is where we answer your letters about the home page or anything you want to talk about.

Waterproof Mac

I have been in business now for 3 years, and have been a Mac user for two and a half of them. I have found a Mac to be extremely valuable and must say that without it I feel sure that I would not be where I am now. I know for a fact that I gain many customers with the presentation of estimates that I have drafted on a Mac.
Yet there is one aspect of the Mac which I find totally bewildering, and most annoying. Why, oh why, is the ink in the StyleWriter not waterproof? Many times I have produced a sales brochure, printed it out, and delivered it to a new client only to gasp when they suggest that we discuss it over coffee. I know the possibility exists of a spill wiping away not only my text but my credibility too.
Please, please, please tell me why it is that an expensive system like the Mac still uses water soluble ink. Peter Shadow, Edinburgh

Peter, we set our top technical minds to this problem, and, after many late nights, we found that the reason the Mac does not use water proof ink is that... er... it doesn't. So there you have it.

And Yet More

I spotted some Macs in TV programmes, in Hanging with Mr Cooper, the lounge area has a little Mac Classic in the background. Screech has one too (or it might be a Plus) in Saved by the Bell . Rick from Neighbours has upgraded an LC to what looks like a Performa 630. In the last series of Desmonds, Desmonds son had a Mac - a Quadra, I think.
Patrick Owen, Edinburgh

Err... so what?

Train Spotting

A few weeks ago we received our longest ever letter. It was 17 pages long, and we have just finished reading it. Being the nice people we are we decided to give you a taster of this really interesting letter.

..So I think that maybe one or two games companies should think about taking on the idea of a trainspotting game. You could choose your favourite spot on the British Railway system, and choose a character. When a train goes by points could be scored by matching the numbers quickly to the ones in a book. The same could apply to many other hobbies such as whale and vintage car spotting.

Of course this may not appeal to all, I for instance am a great garden shed collector, buying on average one per month I am the leader in this field and have been for around 13 years now ...

It goes on like this for another 11 pages! Unfortunately the letter has now been accidentally ripped up.

All letters are welcome not just ones about computers send them to Blair at the address on the front page

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